ADAMI Jury Sessions 2018
The ADAMI jury sessions took place at Impact Hub Odessa. Twenty-two international jury members were tasked with selecting the nominees and prize winners from311 submitted TV broadcasts, online videos and web pages promoting national, ethnic, religious or cultural diversity issues from the six Eastern Partnership countries of the European Union (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine). The jury panels were composed of representatives of broadcasters, online media outlets and international organizations from both Western European and the Eastern Partnership countries.
ADAMI Media Prize TV Jury
Back Row, left to right: Bruno Beeckman (EBU), Dieter Boden (Former Diplomat UN/OSCE), Stefan Tolz (ADAMI), Ina Ruck (WDR/ARD), Leonid Melnic (TRM), Aleksander Kovalenko (ONT)
Front Row: Christine Melkonyan (Armenia TV),Claire Stephan (ARTE), Nino Nakashidze (Rustavi 2), Katrin Eigendorf (ZDF), Irina Kiporenko (NTU)
ADAMI Media Prize Online Jury
Back row, left to right: Yuri Basiuk (Dumskaja TV), Stefan Tolz (ADAMI), Giorgi Gachechiladze (GPB), Alexandru Perciun (GMG), Igor Koval (ITK), Heleen Gerritsen (GoEast), Edgar Avagyan (Kentron TV), Abdujalil Abdurasulov (BBC)
Front row: Rakhib Azeri (Xazer TV), Radka Bencheva (EBU), Yulya Slutskaia (PressClub), Silvia Stöber (, Johannes Grotzky (BR), Luzia Tschirky (SRF)