ADAMI Jury Sessions 2020
This Year, Jury Sessions for the ADAMI Media Prize for Cultural Diversity in Eastern Europe Took Place at RTV Slovenija from 21 to 26 September
ADAMI Media Prize Competition 2020 submissions were judged by a panel of international experts on film, journalism and media. There were two 3-day sessions with international jury members in Ljubljana. The first session reviewed submissions for the prize categories “TV-Entertainment”, “TV-Information” and “TV-News/Short Non Fiction”, while the second session reviewed the categories “Young ADAMI”, “Online - Web Pages” and “Online - Web Videos”.
The jury sessions were organized in cooperation with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and hosted by the Slovenian public broadcaster RTV Slovenija.
Due to COVID-related travel restrictions in and from Eastern Partnership countries, ADAMI was able to invite only European Union residents to participate in the Ljubljana jury sessions. For this reason, ADAMI held additional jury meetings online on 8 and 9 October, mostly for jury members who reside in the Eastern Partnership Countries (see HERE)