Focus Week: Online Categories

Focus Week: Online Categories

The ADAMI Media Prize has two categories awarding online materials. We are looking to award the best websites and the best videos online that show themes of integration, migration, and cultural diversity in the region.

The 2015 ADAMI Media Prize winner for Online Video, 30 Families of Griz, by Oktay Namazov, takes you into the mountains of Azerbaijan, and explores how the isolated village of Griz has managed to maintain it's unique language and culture.

You can watch the trailer for the video here.

The 2015 winner for Web Pages,, is a cross-border web platform sharing stories from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The site's monthly editions have covered themes ranging from environmentalism, entrepreneurship, and youth in the South Caucasus.

ADAMI caught up with filmmaker Oktay Namazov on the set of his latest film in Sheki, Azerbaijan. "This is a really good opportunity for all young filmmakers. To shoot, to make their own films, to tell their own stories," he said. 

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