Call for Applications: ADAMI Dialogue – Yerevan

ADAMI Media Prize for Cultural Diversity in Eastern Europe is launching a Call for Applications for video-based projects on the topics of cultural diversity, integration, and peaceful coexistence, to participate in a two-day forum in Yerevan, Armenia on November 4-5, 2017. TV journalists, producers and film directors from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine working on films, news reports, or videos can apply.

ADAMI Dialogue Yerevan accepts entries from projects on several stages of development – from the concept note to the editing phase.

The forum will be a creative workshop between experts from European countries and participants. The aim of the workshop is to create dialogue on showcasing the diversity in the region in visual media, and also to establish networks between the Eastern Partnership countries and broadcasters and filmmakers in Europe.

Participants will have 5-7 minutes to present their projects at the forum, including screenings where applicable. Ways of implementing the films or videos in a visual and thematic context will be discussed during the workshop. The recommendations will be formulated to support the participants in further steps of their project, including developing, shooting, and editing. 

Participants in ADAMI Dialogue Yerevan can apply for the 2018 edition of the ADAMI Media Prize with their final video materials.

Experts leading the ADAMI Dialogue Yerevan will include documentary filmmaker Vitaly Mansky and producer and film director Andrzej Klamt. The workshop will be moderated by filmmaker Irene Langemann.

Logistic details about the forum:

-       Dates: November 4-5, 2017

-       Location: Yerevan, Armenia

-       Language: Russian and English.

-       Deadline for applications: September 20, 2017

-       Workshop fee: 500 EURO. Please note that selected applicants with the strongest projects will get a scholarship covering the workshop fee and other costs, as transportation, accommodation, and food costs. N.B.: There is no application fee.

-       A total of 23 persons will be selected

Please fill out and submit the online application form by September 20, 2017:

Applicants will be notified about their acceptance and whether they are offered the scholarship by October 5, 2017.


For questions, please contact:

+995 32 299 9134


About the ADAMI Media Prize

The ADAMI Media Prize celebrates diversity as a core value of our societies. We believe that media plays an important role in shaping public attitudes, and that by positively showcasing diversity, media can contribute towards peaceful coexistence between different groups in society. Through the prize, our aim is to encourage media to fight messages of hate and ignorance, and to promote projects which positively represent diversity in our region.

The ADAMI Media Prize is financed by the Federal Foreign Office and ProCredit Holding, and conducted in partnership with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Deutsche Welle Akademie, the German Society for Eastern European Studies (DGO), and supported by media partners ARTE, ZDF, and MDR.

The ADAMI Media Prize is an initiative of Forschungsgruppe Modellprojekte e.V.

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